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    My Story
    Hi, I'm Chase Oliver and I'm 32 years old.

    I was engaged to a woman named Sara, whom I was in love with more than anything...

    And one day, completely out of the blue - she broke things off

    She said she wasn't ready and that she needed time, and she didn't know how long it would take.

    I was completely devastated. I mean, we had even had names picked out for our future children!

    My whole world was flipped upside-down.

    But then something very strange happened... Read the Rest


    Explore the Diva's Writing Style

    I write articles for a few magazines and plenty of websites. My articles are everywhere and gaining in popularity. Listed below are a sample of some of these articles. I have received a lot of good feedback from these articles and I truly hope you enjoy them.

    If you would like to use any of these free articles below, please contact the Diva to discuss the requirements. Click on the contact link at the bottom.

    Today's Relationship Articles

    High School Relationships
    By Diva Rebecca
    If you are in high school and are dealing with a troublesome relationship, you really need to realize how young you are.

    Loving the Bad Boy
    By Diva Rebecca
    Why do women always seem to fall in love with bad boy? Do they enjoy being treated like garbage and is there one particular reason why the bad boy always wins?

    Feng Shui Your Love Pad
    By Diva Rebecca
    Learn how to use this age old Chinese technique to enhance your love life.

    It's Good to Get Hurt
    By Diva Rebecca
    We all get hurt and we all have been terribly hurt in relationships. Why must we suffer so? Because when we get hurt, we learn.

    Aphrodisiac Dinner Date
    By Diva Rebecca
    First Date? Try preparing a saucy aphrodisiac filled dinner for that special someone. Or spice up your bland love life with some lust-worthy delectables.

    The Best Online Dating Sites
    By Diva Rebecca
    Online dating is officially the largest money maker on the internet. But there are so many, which ones should you choose?

    Cheating and Cheaters
    By Diva Rebecca
    What is your opinion on cheating? Before you answer, read this article about cheating. There are many different kinds of cheating and levels to it all.

    Naturally Increase Libido
    By Diva Rebecca
    If you or your significant other are experiencing a decreased sex life, it may be becase your sexual libido is going downhill. There are natural ways you can enhance your sex life and there are many reasons why your sex life could be suffering which are repairable.

    What Do Men Talk About?
    By Diva Rebecca
    Rebecca just happened to be in a position to secretly discover what guys really talk about when they think women aren't around.

    Love Yourself
    By Diva Rebecca
    Before you can let yourself be part of a loving relationship, you must begin to love yourself. You can not expect anyone to love you until you love yourself first.

    Blogging: The New Exhibitionism
    By Diva Rebecca
    Blogging is the new popular form of sexual stimulation and even online dating!

    How To Tell if He or She is Cheating
    By Guest Author Glen Houston
    Here is a pretty sneaky way of detecting a cheating heart in your significant other. If you don't want to know the answer, don't do this.

    Stop Nagging!
    By Diva Rebecca
    Do you have a "nagging" habit or is there someone special in your life who is constantly badgering and pestering you? There are reasons why and things which can be done.

    Don't Breakup a Relationship
    By Diva Rebecca
    Trying to break up a relationship often results in the exact opposite result and almost always backfires. Why is this?

    Love is a Private Affair
    By Diva Rebecca
    As singles, we become used to telling our friends everything about our dates. But in a serious relationship, matters of love need to be kept between you and your loved one.

    Knowing When To Leave
    By Diva Rebecca
    How do you know when to leave a relationship? There are times to leave, and times to stay an dwork things out.

    Till The End of Time
    By Diva Rebecca
    How do old couples stay in love and remain married for 60 years? Why can't we all find love like that?

    The Thirty Year Old Sexual Peak
    By Diva Rebecca
    I am sure you have heard that women hit their sexual peak around 30 years of age......or do they?

    Kudos to the Nice Guys
    By Diva Rebecca
    The nice guys do not get their due respect enough. Here is an article which gives special and long overdue appreciatiation for the nice guys.

    Ready for the "R" Word?
    By Diva Rebecca
    Are you ready for a relationship? Be sure you put plenty of thought and weighted consideration before jumping in. Relationships take work.

    Though Shalt Not Snoop
    By Diva Rebecca
    Even if you are highly suspicious of your lover's behavior, you should never resort to snooping through his or her private affairs. This article will tell you why and how you can stop this destructive behavior in your relationship.

    Romantic Vacations
    By Diva Rebecca
    Not all vacations for two are that picture perfect image of love and romance. Find out what kind of vacation you should take to bring the spark back into a relationship. And find out what vacations not to take if you are looking for some romantic love time.

    Love Dreams
    By Diva Rebecca
    What does it mean when you are kissing your ex or having sex with your ex? Is it okay if you are dreaming about making love with someone other than your lover? Read all about dreams of love here.

    Possessive and Controlling
    By Diva Rebecca
    Is your lover controlling and possessive all of the time? Does he or she check your emails, phone calls and ask about every move you make with a suspicious tone? You might think it is because he or she is afraid of getting hurt but there is a deeper reason why.

    Beauty Divine
    By Diva Rebecca
    Just how important are looks when you start dating? According to all othe psychological studies, surveys and more, it is the number one most compelling force wich drives people to pick and choose certain dating mates.

    Check out all of the Diva's great Relationship eBooks Here!