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    Hi, I'm Chase Oliver and I'm 32 years old.

    I was engaged to a woman named Sara, whom I was in love with more than anything...

    And one day, completely out of the blue - she broke things off

    She said she wasn't ready and that she needed time, and she didn't know how long it would take.

    I was completely devastated. I mean, we had even had names picked out for our future children!

    My whole world was flipped upside-down.

    But then something very strange happened... Read the Rest




    "Many people spend more time in planning the wedding than they do in planning the marriage"

    -Zig Ziglar

    Browse through each book and see which one is right for you, or get them all! Happy hunting!


  • Wedding Speeches
    There are all sorts of people taht need to make speeaches in a wedding such as the Best Man, the Maid of Honor, the Bride, the Groom and the mother and father of the Bride. But many people are not sure how to write a successful speech.   More

  • Wedding Planning
    Are you about to get married? If so then you must learn the tricks of the trade and certain secrets to planning a great wedding! I have a few for you.   More

  • Marriage Vows and Wedding Vows
    Are you not sure what to say for those all important wedding vows? Don't worry, most people have the same problem when they begin to write their vows. They are unsure of how to start and what to say!   More

  • Wedding Planning Secrets
    One of the most expensive things in your life will be your wedding...or COULD be I should say! Because it certainly doesn't have to be. Sure, a wedding can cost a fortune, but if you know some secrets, you could save a bumdle.   More

  • Personal Wedding Websites
    They now have personal websites for everything under the sun. But this one took some time and patience and it is well worth it. If you want to share your wedding photos, this is the place to do it.   More

  • How To Propose
    Are you thinking about proposing? Then read up on this informational section about popping the big question.   More